Pen And Ink Illustration


This style is perfect for black and white photographs. (But works great for any photo, really!). The drawing you see here is actually of my grandfather posed with his dachshund. He loved receiving it as a Christmas gift! Check out the gallery below to see the original photograph I worked from.

Here’s what we’ll need to get started:

  1. A high quality photograph- (It can be from your phone, or an old family photo! It just needs to be clear and have good natural lighting). We can talk about the photos that you have and what will work best first, just email me what you have at!

  2. Click the order form button below to fill out the form and let me know what size of painting you want, and all the info I will need to send you your invoice!

  3. That’s it! Just know that I am so excited to start painting for you! Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions.

If you’re interested in getting prints of your illustration, check out this listing to see pricing. Prints make great gifts for family members! You can add prints onto the order form on this page.

Pricing is as follows:

If you are ordering other paintings or prints of your painting with this order, please indicate this in the additional info field. I will include it in the same invoice, no need to submit another info form as long as you include the size and type of painting! (ex: 5x7 Pet Portrait, 9x12 Home Portrait, 8x10 print of _______).

5x7 $100